Alternate Dictionary

A program to create dictionaries for abbreviations or foreign words. The program is freeware/open source.

The program contains a CSV-interface, which allows you to even edit data with an external application (e.g. MS Excel or Open Office/Libre Office Calc). Running in background the program can watch the clipboard and show a translation for the matching content. Another feature is the build-in training unit. Additionally the program offers the ability to translate whole sentences or short text passages (the quality strongly depends on the used dictionary). The program requires the .NET-framework 2.0 (already included in operation system since Windows Vista).

Changes in this version:
- Options extended

Additional dictionaries:
English-Danish (46443 terms, UTF-8) (V1.100, 30.04.2023)
English-French (38876 terms, UTF-8) (V1.100, 30.04.2023)
Danish-German (3314 terms, UTF-8) (V1.110, 07.11.2023)
Danish-Italian (3942 terms, UTF-8) (V1.100, 30.04.2023)
Turkish-German (2376 terms, UTF-8) (V1.960, 12.12.2024)
Turkish-German phrases (195 terms, UTF-8) (V1.020, 09.11.2023)
Insecure passwords (954226 passwords, UTF-8) (V1.100, 30.04.2023)

Download/Source-Code also available at SourceForge.

Versionnumber: 3.370
Filesize: 3594.51
Date: 07.02.2025
MD5 value: ad05c366bab34bdd83ab2cd9557e08ae
Supported operating systems: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Server
Languages included: English, German, Italian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Japanese, Turkish, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Bulgarian
Current Downloads: 14772
Preview: Alternate Dictionary