Alternate Dictionary Portable

The portable version of Alternate Dictionary. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can be copied to a movable device like an USB-stick and used on several computers without leaving data residues like configuration settings or registry-values.

Just copy the content of the ZIP-archive to any drive you want (e.g. an USB-stick) and execute it by using the link or directly start the EXE-file. The language has to be changed once, using menu entry View->Language.

To remove this program just delete its containing folder including its link. The program may also be run on Linux using the Mono-framework (and Windows Forms).

Versionnumber: 3.360
Filesize: 1265.94
Date: 07.02.2025
MD5 value: 90f0f32cf21f9c2e1699efb8be4b84ac
Supported operating systems: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Server, Linux (with Mono)
Languages included: English, German, Italian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Japanese, Turkish, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Bulgarian
Current Downloads: 6924
Preview: Alternate Dictionary Portable